Onsite wastewater treatment system design.
Timely, cost-effective environmental services, engineering
inspections, and other elements of due diligence or regulatory response.
Expert Witness Services and Case Reviews
Mr. Boogay has performed successfully as an expert witness. His experience, education, and certifications uniquely support him in many varieties of courtroom presentation, click here to see his resume.
Forensic studies include acquisition of data for assistance with dispute resolution or in support of litigation. MBCE has experienced researchers and research tools to shed light on any of the engineering inspection or environmental assessment subject areas we address.

Engineering Consultation
MBCE has over 40 years of engineering experience with state registrations for both Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Mr. Boogay has specialized in environmental engineering as applied to wastewater treatment and hazardous materials contamination management. As no two projects are alike, these wide fields of expertise help deal with multiple dimensions of a project including project management and project oversight.
Click here to read more about Marc Boogay's experience and how we may be able to provide what your project needs.